What is a paddock track?
A paddock track (or "paddock paradise" as coined by Jaime Jackson) is a newer concept in equine facility design. Typically, a narrow lane surrounds the pasture or the perimeter of the property. Horses have free access to hay on the track and limited access to the inner grass pasture/s. The inner fencing can be simple electric tape or whatever works for the specific situation.
In wet climates (e.g., the Indiana winter), the lanes are ideally hard-surfaced to prevent mud.
Stations can be created as "bump-outs" or wider zones on the track for hay feeders, sandpits for rolling/resting, etc.
Water is kept only at one location (preferably as far from the hay as possible) to promote movement during the day. The horses will move from hay feeder to hay feeder, and back to the water. Track design can incorporate woods, logs, ponds, or any other creative enrichment ideas.
This concept is great for the grass-intolerant horse, as it fosters movement while limiting grass intake. It also provides a solution for winter turnout for stalled horses (when wet pastures must be protected from damaging hooves).
Horses living on a track typically move more and have higher quality feet, better physical condition, and a more relaxed demeanor.